Monday, 11 July 2022

SUNDOWN 2021 Drama Film
Neil (Tim Roth),and Alice Bennett are the core of a wealthy family on vacation in Mexico until a distant emergency cuts their trip short. When one relative disrupts the family's tight-knit order, simmering tensions rise to the fore. Tim Roth gives a magnificent understated performance of a man whose behaviour breaks with expected norms, asking us to imagine his motives. The subtlety of the director gradually and naturally reveals circumstances that may overturn our assumptions. The film has humour, violence, drama, and asks us to imagine what we would do ourselves given the same circumstances.
This was a weird film for me to watch in the context that I had no idea what the plot was about. I saw it advertised and thought I'll give it a watch. Truthfully it was so slow to start I was almost regretting it. As you can see I stuck with it and it turned completely on its head, this film will take you through a wide range of emotions.

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