Friday, 10 June 2022

A.J. WENTWORTH B.A. 1982 British Sitcom Season 1 - Episodes 1 & 2 A Day in the Life of... and Mud Larks
This programme was shown posthumously following the death of its lead actor Arthur Lowe, who died on 15 April 1982. Based on the writings of H. F. Ellis. Set in the 1940s at Burgrove, a boys' preparatory school in Wilminister, in rural England. A.J. Wentworth is the mathematics master. He is very fond of the school but inefficient at disciplining his pupils who take advantage of his kind nature. The headmaster, the Rev Saunders, who is nicknamed 'Squid' by the boys, is a snob and the Matron is Wentworth's constant enemy. Episode 1 A Day in the Life of... - The basket in the boot-room, the disagreement with IIIA over Pythagoras, the interruptions, the upset to Miss Coombes, and a light scolding from the headmaster: all in a day's work for A.J. Wentworth. Episode 2 Mud Larks - It's difficult to keep boys out of mud if they are left to their own devices and, with Wentworth in charge of the botany ramble, they revert to type. The headmaster is appalled at the condition of Form IIIA on their return.
Flicking through the tv channels the other night I caught an old episode of Dad's Army 1968 and I thought Arthur Lowe as Captain Mainwaring had fantastic comedy timing. I decided to check out his other work which turned out to be less than I thought partly due to his and his wife's health issues. Not really sure what angle they were going for with A.J. Wentworth easy enough to watch though not much happening on the comedy front.

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